I've had the good fortune to travel a lot during my PhD, with more trips to follow. Here's a list of events I've attended (or will attend shortly) and places I've visited outside Berkeley. Events marked with a (*) indicate conferences or gatherings where I presented something.

Dates Event Location
2024 July *CSGF Program Review Washington D.C.
2024 June *SPAA 2024 Nantes, France
2024 May *SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Paris, France
2024 Mar. *SIAM Parallel Processing Baltimore, MD
2024 Jan. *SLICE Lab Winter Retreat Santa Cruz, CA
2023 Dec. *Neurips 2023 New Orleans, LA
2023 Nov. Supercomputing 2023 Denver, CO
2023 Oct. *Sparsitute Annual Meeting & Sparse Tensor Workshop Chicago, IL
2023 July *Simons SLMATH 1064 Almaden, CA
2023 Feb.-Mar. *SIAM CSE 2023 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2022 Nov. Supercomputing 2022 Dallas, TX
2022 July *CSGF Program Review Washington D.C.
2022 June *IPDPS 2022 Virtual
2022 May-Aug. CSGF Practicum Internship, NREL Golden, CO
2021 Nov. Supercomputing 2021 St. Louis, MO
2020 Nov. Supercomputing 2020 Virtual